Why you should switch to Linux today.

Why you should switch to Linux today.


5 min read

Featured on Hashnode
Featured on daily.dev


I was an avid Windows user right from the start. UNTIL I made the switch. I hadn't used any other OS before although I had a little experience with raspbian OS while I was using raspberry pi.

But 99 percent of the time I was using windows until a few weeks back, I started noticing that all devs were telling me that Ubuntu / Linux is better for programming. and I wanted to see why it was. So I dual booted ubuntu, and the GUI didn't look welcoming. It was all big and not normal. But I didn't mind, I had thought in my mind that Linux was this very old-styled apps and desktops. So I went ahead downloaded my apps like visual studio code, eclipse, and whatnot. What I was really surprised by was the speed and efficiency of the OS.


It was blazing fast, all the apps opened up in less than a second. You might be wondering what my laptop's specs are: Mine's a dual-core Intel chip with 8 GB Ram and 1 TB of HDD and 512 GB of SSD. my Linux was running on a partition of my HDD. Everything was fast and it compiled all the scrips really well. But I felt like the OS wasn't polished enough as windows. This is when I found the customization abilities of Linux.


I watched a youtube video where the person customized the GNOME desktop to look like macOS and well mine looked just as good! Here's the video: youtube.com/watch?v=jT1RnyGJRMU

After this, my experience just quadrupled. I was amazed by the performance, looks, and overall usage of Linux.


With the looks out of the way, let's check out efficiency: My laptop overheats like anything on windows. If I run more than 4 apps, windows will make the fans sound very loud and the laptop will become hot. but with Linux, my fan didn't turn on even once. Even when I was emulating an android phone for development. I was also very surprised by how less resources Linux uses compared to windows. the cache files were so less and the Ram and CPU usage never peaked, even with higher loads.

Compile time

The main reason why developers like Linux over windows, is because of the compilation advantage which Linux has. An app build on windows can take anywhere between 2 minutes to 30 minutes, but the same code on Linux will compile it in seconds and max 5 minutes, which gives you an advantage while testing and debugging.

Target Audience

If you know your way around the terminal a little, you can learn it in a very short period of time. and you wanna step up your development game. Install Ubuntu or any Linux distro and enjoy the speed and become a good friend of the penguin!

Getting stuck

If you get stuck anytime when your working with Linux. Just google. There's isn't a time I haven't found an answer to a question on google. There's always an answer to the question in stack overflow or askubuntu. So google is your greatest friend.

Thank you

So I hope you realized why you should switch over to Linux today if your already not, and I'll catch you in the next one! Peace. โ˜ฎ